Honoring Workplace Safety
It is such a blessing and honor to work with fine organizations such as SCL Health. In the 2016 article linked below, SCL is highlighted for their serious efforts to improve the safety of the workplace for their associates. Workplace safety is in our opinion of course very important, that is why we have donated hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to promote and continue the social change agenda of WorkSafeMT, Inc, a 501 (c) 3. But for healthcare, the environment in which doctors, nurses and support staff provide life altering and life saving care to others, their own personal safety was for so long made a far less of a priority than that of their patients. Seeing managers and directors get out of their offices and really look into the cause of each incident is refreshing to see. Analytics are a great tool if one has the budget and incident frequency to justify the licensing costs from software vendors. And some information, important information, can be gained looking in the rear view mirror for trends no doubt. One issue that cannot be addressed by data analytics is the message that is sent to the workforce. Sure, seeing some reports in a PowerPoint might get people's attention. But that attention span has shown to be of a limited time frame. When the entire workforce, though, hears of and SEES 'management' out looking at the crack in the sidewalk, the slippery steps, the sharps containers and seriously addressing causation...right after the event...the message is clear and spreads far a wide...the organization cares for their people...which in turn drives engagement and personal responsibility. Social change. Face to face, immediate contact. The type of social change that is the mission of WorkSafeMT.
Congratulations to Annette Hoffman for the well-deserved recognition in this article.