CSM Corporation dba Midland Claims Service, Inc. and Industrial Injury Claims®
What makes us different? One State. One Mission. Three Generations. Decades of Consistent Results.

MCSi's three generations: (top from left) Michael J Marsh, Lauren K Marsh; bottom from left Barbara K Marsh and James A Marsh
MCSi and IIC specialize in claims investigation and administration in one state, Montana. Consulting services are provided on a national basis, including claim-oriented expert witness evaluation and testimony, file review, program review/audit/design, procedure creation / refinement and software, user interface database design and testing services.
Industrial Injury Claims® and Workers' Compensation Claims
Provide world class workers' compensation claims services in the State of Montana with the highest level of local expertise, engagement and involvement.
Favorably impact the lives of recovering workers and the financial results of client partner organizations through "Humanizing the Workers' Compensation Process".
- Truth and honesty in every interaction and transaction.
- Professional conduct.
- Inquisitive, insightful and thorough investigative processes.
- Serve as the hub of communications on claims for all stakeholders to the maximum extent allowed.
- Create a claims environment that encourages the team approach to resolution.
- Engaged in the review of and creation of quid pro quo state laws and regulations.
- Give back to the community.
- Encourage and administer workers' compensation education and recruiting.
Redefining Best Practices®
Humanizing The Workers' Compensation System
For more information about please review our website:

We are proud of our efforts to Humanize the Workers' Compensation system. We know the system, we enjoy a strong relationship with the regulators, we are deeply involved from a variety of approaches in the law making process. We are directly involved with both self-insurance and insurance trade associations, economic development organizations and chamber of commerce organizations.
As a single state, predominantly single line claims facility, how much impact do we have?
Our knowledge of the system is augmented by our direct claims experience. As of 12/31/2022, we have been responsible for 34,560 Montana workers' compensation claims. Our staff has been responsible for direct, wet signatures on 142,221 claims payment checks for over $106,499,000.
The majority of our client organizations and employers have chosen specifically to carve Montana out of their national agreements...selecting Midland Claims Service, Inc. and Industrial Injury Claims® as their sole specialty claims service provider. If you have Montana workers' compensation exposure, call us.