Eliminate Needless Work Disability
It was more than a decade ago that we were fortunate to have met Dr. Jennifer Christian and sponsor the 60 Summits in Montana. The alignment in our company goals for our workers' compensation claims handling with the ACOEM work on Preventing Needless Work Disability was strong. We have continued, as a small, one state workers' compensation Third Party Administrator, to participate in statewide efforts to promote safety (WorkSafeMT), reduce the harmful impact of overprescribing of opioids (MT Formulary creation) and promote face-to-face contact with injured / recovering workers and their families. We are proud that over 32,000 individuals have been touched by our Redefining Best Practices® method of Humanizing Workers' Compensation™.
The benefits to Preventing Needless Work Disability are many. Importantly, it allows the individual injured at work to recover faster and more completely...and be returned to their lives as whole as possible. We recommend that all stakeholders involved in the supervising, planning and handling of the workers' compensation claims process revisit the ACOEM paper @ ACOEM-SAW-RTW-Guideline-June-2006. It is more important today than ever.
The benefits of Humanizing Workers' Compensation™ is also evident when the cost of the program is examined: