2023 Workers' Compensation Benefits Brochure

july 1, 2023

The Employment Relations Division of the Montana Department of Labor and Industry publishes a simple to read brochure that is distributed by claim handlers to workers when claims are made. The brochure is available in both print and electronic format.

2023 WC Benefits Brochure Page 1

Updated brochures are available with the change of each Fiscal Year. In Montana, the Fiscal Year begins on the first of July. 

2023 WC Benefits Brochure Page 2

Takeaway: Handling workers' compensation claims in Montana is primarily driven by the statutory structure that is the foundation of the system. Communicating the complexity and confusion of the statutes to those that have never been involved in the workers' compensation claims process can be a challenge. The WC Benefits Brochure is an additional tool for claims professionals to work with recovering workers when discussing the way the system works, benefits, etc.

Call us at (406) 656-9960 to discuss moving your program in the state of Montana to Midland Claims Service, Inc. and Industrial Injury Claims®.