2014 - Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
We are so proud of our staff. At each position, every level, each of the individuals that work at Midland Claims Service, Inc. and Industrial Injury Claims® work hard to foster a communicative, collaborative environment in the claims process, diligently bringing the various stakeholders and parties involved in the claims process together with one primary goal...to facilitate the most appropriate, aggressive medical care possible for legitimately injured workers. When workers are treated with dignity, listened to, and their injuries timely and correctly treated, they heal faster and more completely...they can stay at work during their healing period... the friction in the process is reduced. In a future blog, we will put data to our results since 2001. Suffice it to say that the folks below, working in one of the most challenging workers' compensation jurisdictions, have treated workers and employers with empathy, dignity and a passion for getting injured individuals treated and successfully through and out of the system. We are a small company, serving in only one state. However, we have brought our multi-state, multi-jurisdictional experience in the insurance industry to bring out of the box, in some cases "old school" solutions to the new world of workers' compensation claims. Over $115,000,000 in client assets incurred on over 25,000 claims, with documented results in reduced lost time days, significantly reduced wage loss benefits and impairments...in one case an average cost per case one half of the cost per case 10 years ago. That's right, even with inflation of wage loss, impairment and medical benefit costs, an average cost per case that is HALF of what it was a decade ago.
So we took these hardworking, caring, skilled professionals to dinner to celebrate the start of the holiday season.